Friday, June 24, 2011


So I am convinced that Lola's best friend Mandy (my friend Leah's dog) thinks this is her baby. Ever since I got pregnant, her favorite place to sit is directly on my lap, as if she was protecting her own child. She did the exact same thing to one of our other pregnant girlfriends. It's quite sweet:)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My first pregnancy gift!

I received my first pregnancy related gift today in the mail. Thanks mommy! She bought me a pregnancy calendar. It tracks all the developmental milestones and is a great way for me to note all the exciting things I am experiencing. It even came with stickers!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

5 Weeks

We are starting the pictures early because I want to remember what I looked like when I first found out I was pregnant. My starting weight is 102lbs. I feel pretty good except for some mild uncomfortable bloating. I have bouts of moodiness and my brain is definitely foggy. Today I wrote Happy Birthday on my Dad's Fathers Day card. Oops.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Lola is so excited to be a big sister. She is so protective and won't leave my side!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

John's gift!

This is how I surprised John! He knew right when he saw the blanket that we were pregnant. But he still asked twice just to make sure.

The day I saw 2 lines on a stick!!!

Thursday June 16th, 2011 was a very exciting day for John and I. I woke up in the morning feeling very yucky and made the decision to take a pregnancy test (even though I convinced myself there was no way I was pregnant). To my surprise, the 2 pink lines popped up instantaneously! I have never felt such an overwhelming sensation of joy and nerves all at once. I soon plotted how I would tell John!! I called my mom, sister and best friend Jessica to share with them the good news and then waited patiently for John to come home (which seemed like ages). I presented him with a gift that included a baby blanket and a soon to be Dad Fathers Day card! We can't wait!!