It is about time I posted a little something on the birth of our amazing daughter! Violet Isela Lynn Rivera made her big debut on February 16th, 2012 at 11:29am. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Here is a recap of the big day.......
I made the decision in early pregnancy that if I did not go into labor by her due date, then I would have an elective cesarean section to avoid having an induction. Since her due date was on a weekend (and they don't schedule c-sections on the weekend), I scheduled the c-section for Thursday, February 16th. I never went into labor, so I woke up extremely anxious on the 16th, knowing that it was the big day to meet my little girl. I arrived at the hospital around 0830am and got all checked in. The good thing about having a planned birth was that all of my labor and delivery friends were able to be there to help me get prepped for surgery. I changed into my hospital gown and climbed into bed to have my vital signs taken. Of course, my blood pressure and pulse were sky high through the whole prep period. My friend Jaime attempted to start my IV, but unfortunately, my veins were not cooperating. The second IV was a success, but I had to have my blood drawn 3 more times due to crappy veins! My arms were quite bruised for a few days. I signed all the paperwork, answered some questions, took some last minute pictures, and off we went to the OR. I got myself into position for the spinal anesthetic, while Jaime sat with me holding my hand (John had to wait in the waiting room). The spinal was done before I knew it, but I could still feel my legs so I was a little concerned (the anesthesiologist was too.) They began prepping me for surgery, which included placing a foley catheter in my pee-pee hole, which I totally felt! At that point, the anesthesiologist decided to do my spinal again. I was beyond numb at that point! John was brought in at that point and was able to sit right next to me. Before I knew it, the procedure had started, and within minutes, my baby girl was out. It was so quick. I heard her cry, which made me cry, but I never busted out with the ugly cry so I am proud of myself for that. They brought her over to me for a few minutes, then John and her went to the nursery while they finished my surgery. I was wheeled into the PACU shortly thereafter to begin my recovery. I was able to snuggle with my baby right away. It was beyond surreal. The next several hours consisted of picture taking, snuggling, breastfeeding, and waiting for my dang legs to get the feeling back in them. Most women stay in the PACU for about 2 hours (the amount of time it takes to get feeling back in the legs). I was there for close to 5 hours! Getting 2 spinal anesthetics really sucked!
We finally went to the postpartum room and got all settled in for our 3 day stay. We did not sleep the whole first night; there was so much going on. Violet was so alert the first day. I couldn't stop staring at her. She was so worth losing sleep over.
Recovering from surgery was not nearly as bad as I expected. I was up and out of bed, walking around within 12 hours of the procedure. I was taking pain pills while in the hospital, but soon found out that they actually made me feel worse, so I stopped taking them as soon as I got home and just took Motrin when I needed it. The worst part of the whole experience was the feeling of helplessness for the first 2 weeks. I was advised not to drive or lift anything other then my baby for the first few weeks. John and my mom had to wait on me quite a bit, which I did not like because I am so used to fending for myself. They were beyond helpful and I am so grateful that I had them both there.
The first week postpartum is somewhat of a blur. I know I cried ALOT!!! Breastfeeding was definitely a challenge in the first week, which made me cry even more. But we made it through okay.
Violet's birth was the most spectacular thing I have ever experienced. I definitely felt like my purpose in life was established at that point. The bond I have with my daughter and with John is something I cannot put into words. I will always love you Princess Violet!!