How far along? 10 Weeks. Baby Rivera is roughly the size of a prune!
Total weight gain/loss? Approximately 1 pound according to my scale at home (Which I have been using since I found out I was pregnant, so we will go off that one)
Feeling Sick? Still getting waves of nausea, but it is manageable. The bloating and gas is still very present and very annoying.
Clothing? I have not put on a pair of jeans in a month. I live in sundresses and cotton shorts. I am thankful I live in a warm city that allows me to do this everyday. I am also happy that I get to wear loose, comfy scrubs to work during the week!
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Well besides the fact that I have been working day shift the last 2 weeks cross-training in another dept. which has screwed with my sleep schedule a little, sleep has been fine. I have to retrain my body to sleep during the day again. It has been a bit of a challenge.
Movement? Nope, but we saw the baby moving a lot on the ultrasound this week.
Cravings? Salads, Bread, and sweets that contain fruit in them.
Gender? I am still convinced it is a boy. John thinks it is a girl. We still have several more weeks before we can find out, but we did buy an over the counter gender prediction kit that we are going to do for fun. I will post the results when we do it.
What I miss? I miss not feeling anxious and nervous all the time. I never realized how pregnancy causes so much paranoia. I question everything I feel and do. Is it hurting the baby? Does the baby get stressed if I get stressed? I am convinced I will feel this way forever now.
Upcoming Events? Dinner with my Dad and Sally on Wednesday. We are finally going to tell him I am pregnant!
Best moment of the week? My first OB appointment!
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