How far along? 30 weeks! Baby Rivera is 17 inches from head to toe, and a little over 3 pounds in weight.
Total weight gain/loss? 16 pounds according to my Doctor’s scale.
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? Definitely feeling tired. The extra weight is taking its toll. I am still contracting irregularly throughout the day, but I was reassured at my doctors appointment this week that they are not doing anything to my cervix. Yay!
Clothing? I can’t wait to buy post baby clothes. I am getting bored with stretchy pants, and I haven’t put on a pair of jeans in months.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? I am still sleeping in 2-4 intervals. I find myself waking up in the middle of the night, wide awake with nothing to do. Sometimes a light snack helps me fall back asleep. Naps during the day really help!
Movement? Big movements. She is very lively at night.
Cravings? Loving the holiday Eggnog!!
Gender? Still a girl according to my Doctor. Whenever I get an ultrasound done, this little girl is always spread eagle. She has no shame.
What I miss? I miss having energy. The holidays are my favorite time of year and I wish I had the extra energy to go to all the fun holiday events around the city. I also miss wearing high heels. I try, but my feet hurt and I am finding it more difficult to stand in the them for more than an hour.
Upcoming Events? Christmas shopping and hopefully painting the baby’s room. I am hoping to complete it within the next few weeks.
Best moment of the week? Definitely my 30 week OB appointment was a highlight. We did an ultrasound and my little girl is thriving. It was also nice to hear that my contractions are harmless and not effecting the baby or my cervix. Good news! John also took some really cute little holiday photos of my belly so I will post one of those as my picture for the week. More to come.
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