How far along? 16 Weeks! Baby Rivera is measuring 4-5 inches and weighing 3-5 ounces.
Total weight gain/loss? Well to my surprise, when I hopped on the scale this morning, I lost 2 pounds. Fortunately the baby is healthy and measuring right on schedule!.
Feeling Sick? This week was so much better! Finally getting my energy back and not feeling as sick anymore. Yippee.
Clothing? My goal was to shop this weekend for a few larger clothing options, but I didn’t get around to it, so I guess I will continue to recycle the 3 sundresses and 2 pairs of shorts that still fit me.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Not sure how to describe my sleeping issues? I can’t figure out if I am having trouble due to the strange dreams I have all the time, or the fact that I am just not comfortable? I think it is only going to get worse.
Movement? No, but supposedly any day now I should feel something.
Cravings? Nothing new. Still enjoying fish tacos a lot.
Gender? Well this week we got a really good shot of our peanuts private parts, but I will post on that soon!
What I miss? Sleeping well!
Upcoming Events? I have another OB appt. this Friday. It should be a pretty mellow week.
Best moment of the week? The ultrasound we did on Friday and finding out the gender! John’s parents are in town and were able to witness it and they wee thrilled. I can’t believe how much the baby is moving and growing. It is amazing to see.
You must be so excited, and I know your mom is thrilled! I am happy I get to see your photos on the progress via this blog. Yay technology!