How far along? 17 Weeks! Baby Rivera is about the size of my hand now.
Total weight gain/loss? We made progress this week, Up 1 pound. Yay. My doctor seemed happy that I finally put on some weight. And it is finally starting to show as well.
Feeling Sick? Feeling good now….less tired and more energy.
Clothing? So I broke down and bought new clothes this week. Some are considered maternity and others are tailored to just fit my expanding belly. I found a few dresses, oversized tops, and leggings. I think these items should last me a while.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Sleep is still the same. Sometimes it is great and some days are not so good. I am finding I just sleep when I can, no matter what time of the day it is.
Movement? I think so????? I am still questioning if it is movement or just gas. I like to think it is movement.
Cravings? No cravings. I am enjoying salads, soup, and sandwiches. Of course sweets are still at the top of my list (in moderation of course).
Gender? Pretty much everyone knows what we are having, but I am hesitant to make an official announcement until after my anatomy screen in a few weeks.
What I miss? For the first time since being pregnant, I missed Sunday brunch mimosas with the girls. It was a beautiful day and it seemed so refreshing.
Upcoming Events? This week will be pretty uneventful, but there is a lot of stuff going on over the next month (Dentist, massage, Seattle, NY)
Best moment of the week? I was happy my OB appointment was not cancelled on Friday due to the power outage. I enjoy going to them and hearing the baby’s heartbeat. I also bought my crib! One big thing I can check off the list.
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