How far along? 25 Weeks! Baby Rivera is 9 inches long and more than 1 ½ pounds in weight.
Total weight gain/loss? I have gained 9 pounds roughly.
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? Feeling the same way I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks; tired and irritated by the constant heartburn and constipation. I am very used to the Braxton Hicks now and even though they are uncomfortable, I have learned to tolerate them.
Clothing? Still limited on my clothing options, but I am making it work. Thanks to my friend, Denise, I do have more maternity pants and sweaters. These are coming in very handy now that it is getting cold outside.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? It is better now that I have found the perfect body pillow. I still wake up every few hours or so, due to frequent positions changes and pee breaks, but at least I am able to fall right back asleep.
Movement? Lots of movement! It is fun to watch her movements from the outside.
Cravings? No new cravings and no strange cravings. I still enjoy all of the same stuff I have been enjoying.
Gender? Still a little princess. John did another ultrasound this week and confirmed it.
What I miss? I miss wearing all my old clothes. They just sit in my closet looking sad. My heels are being ignored as well. I am looking forward to playing dress up with my little girl once I get my body back.
Upcoming Events? My diabetes screening is coming up in about a week. Getting pretty nervous about that.
Best moment of the week? Daddy did another ultrasound this week and man is this little girl getting big. I can’t believe how distinct her features are now. Daddy says she has his nose and big ears. I am sure she will still be cute.
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