How far along? 26 Weeks! Baby Rivera is 9 plus inches long and more than 2 pounds in weight.
Total weight gain/loss? I have gained 12 pounds roughly.
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? So I am beginning to believe that the heartburn I am experiencing is going to kill me. It is AWFUL, to the point where I can barely function. It seems like just breathing causes me to get heartburn, and it lasts all night long. Tums work, but I refuse to take them everyday in fear that if I abuse them, they may no longer work. Besides the miserable heartburn, I feel okay. The Braxton Hicks contractions are still coming on a daily basis.
Clothing? I “feel” huge, so it is no surprise that dressing myself is becoming more awkward. I just don’t feel like I am in my own body anymore and certain clothing items just don’t look right on me. I am still trying my best to rock skinny pants and high heels, but I don’t know how much longer that will last. Sweat pants sound more and more appealing everyday.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Besides the frequent pee runs and position changes, I am sleeping well. I am sleeping much better at night than during the day, but I am learning how to function on a minimal amount of sleep when I am working night shift.
Movement? This little girl is a wiggle worm!! She loves to dance in my tummy. I am definitely feeling more movement at night then during the day.
Cravings? I am still enjoying the same foods, which include eggs, fruits, carbs, and lots of sweets.
Gender? A crazy girl!
What I miss? I miss not having heartburn everyday. Yep, I am going back to the heartburn, it is that bad. I wish I could go to work and function without feeling like my esophagus is going to come out of my mouth.
Upcoming Events? My diabetes test is tomorrow (scared). My mom and I are planning on getting a lot of baby stuff done this week.
Best moment of the week? I still get excited every time I feel her move. That is the best moment of every day!
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