How far along? 24 Weeks! Baby Rivera is 8-9 inches long and 1 ½ pounds in weight.
Total weight gain/loss? I have gained 8-10 pounds according to my home scale. I swear it changes on a daily basis depending on what time of day I weigh myself.
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? The fatigue has returned. Getting through work at night is becoming more of a challenge. Braxton hicks are a normal part of my life now. I have them daily and some can be quite uncomfortable. But I am reassured that this is all normal and part of the body’s way of prepping me for childbirth.
Clothing? Dressing myself is not super fun anymore. I am finding myself less and less comfortable in my clothing. I really don’t want to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes because I know I won’t be wearing them for very much longer, so I just have to force myself to reuse the few items I have left that fit and make it work. Fortunately, this week, my girlfriend gave me some of her maternity items that she wore last year when she was pregnant, so I hoping to get some good use out of those.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? It is still the same, pretty good at night and lousy during the day. I nap when I can.
Movement? She is definitely a busy girl in there. I feel her a lot more at night then during the day.
Cravings? I feel as if my sweet tooth issue is getting worse. I still can’t get enough candy corns. They are delicious…and pure sugar! But I balance it out with vegetables, I promise. I still enjoy salads.
Gender? Getting more and more excited for this little girl to arrive. John and I are so curious about she looks like.
What I miss? Now that holiday season has kicked off, I definitely miss having champagne and staying up late with my friends at holiday parties. I can only last a few hours before I get exhausted and annoyed with all the drunken people. At least now I have an excuse to eat more. I guess all the calories I save on drinks I make up with in food.
Upcoming Events? Another OB appointment this week, but bedsides that, it should be a quiet week and weekend. Just what I need.
Best moment of the week? My friend, Carly’s, Halloween party was quite amazing. It was fun to see such an awesome group of people all dressed up an enjoying themselves. I look forward to all of the upcoming holiday events!