How far along? 21 Weeks! Baby Rivera is 7 inches long, 11 ounces, and about the size of 5 tangerines.
Total weight gain/loss? I have gained 5 pounds according to my home scale.
Feeling Sick? I am feeling quite good. I have days where I feel fatigued, but that is manageable. My belly feels huge and I am convinced it will not stretch any bigger, but I know that is not true. Beyond the bloating and tiredness, I can’t complain.
Clothing? Still love my stretchy pants and elastic waist. I bought several stretchy tops and large sweaters to aid in my comfort. I am looking forward to shopping in New York this week for some more maternity items.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Sleep is great when I am not working. I have no problem sleeping through the night, but sleeping through the day is a challenge sometimes.
Movement? She is moving quite a bit now, and it is much more noticeable. John was able to feel her this morning for the first time. She kicked him twice.
Cravings? Still enjoying grapes and several other fruits. Carbohydrates are my best friend.
Gender? All Girl!
What I miss? Starting to miss wine a little. There were a couple occasions this week where I really wanted to enjoy a glass of wine with my mom (I will admit I did touch a little to my lips….so rebellious of me.)
Upcoming Events? BABYMOON in NY. I am really looking forward to having alone time with John and spending our days shopping, eating, and seeing shows! We haven’t had a week off together in quite a long time.
Best moment of the week? The anatomy scan and 20 week doctor appt. were the best moments of the week. It is so refreshing to hear that my baby girl is healthy and thriving.
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