How far along? 23 Weeks! Baby Rivera is 8 inches long and over a pond in weight.
Total weight gain/loss? I have gained 8 pounds according to my home scale (luckily I didn’t put on as much weight as I thought in New York).
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? Overall, I am feeling great. I have discovered a new issue that I don’t like….horrible leg cramps. Sometimes I wake up with the worst Charlie horse cramps in my legs that are almost unbearable. I also have Braxton Hicks almost every day. They are not painful, but definitely noticeable when they occur.
Clothing? Clothing is becoming more of a problem. I am definitely running out of things to wear, but I don’t want to buy too much because I know I will get bigger. I did find a pair of jeans in New York that have and elastic waist, but aren’t considered maternity jeans (pretty excited about that!) I still find myself wearing a lot of stretchy pants, with tank tops and sweaters. About 75% percent of my pre-pregnancy clothes do not fit me anymore.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Trying to sleep throughout the night is troublesome, mostly due to my lack of comfort. Trying to sleep during the day is even more of a problem. You would think after working all night, it would be easy for me to sleep throughout the day, but the is not the case. I guess the lack of sleep is a good thing when it comes to preparing me for when the baby arrives.
Movement? She is moving a lot, some days more than others, but I always feel her. I really enjoy feeling her strange movements. I swear some days she is trying to break out of my abdomen. I am convinced I am growing a future Broadway dancer in there.
Cravings? I think the cravings are picking up. I bought pickles this week and they are quite tasty. I also can’t get enough of the candy corns and candy pumpkins.
Gender? All I have to say is this little girl is beyond spoiled already.
What I miss? General comfort. I can’t decide what is worse between the lack of sleep, clothes not fitting, constipation, gas, heartburn, fatigue, etc. I chalk it up to the joys of pregnancy.
Upcoming Events? Halloween is next weekend and there should be some fun things going on around the city. I plan on using the occasion to dress up, expose my belly, and rock it.
Best moment of the week? Our trip to New York was amazing. Not only was that the best moment of the week, it was one of the highlights of the year.
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