How far along? 20 Weeks! Baby Rivera is 6 1/2 inches long, 10 ounces, and about the size of a small cantaloupe.
Total weight gain/loss? I am up somewhere between 4 and 6 pounds depending on what scale I use (the doctor scale always adds a little more weight to me).
Feeling Sick? Overall feeling good. I have experienced a few Braxton hicks contractions in the past few weeks. I am now starting to feel PREGNANT. My stomach is expanding and I swear I have no more room to grow (even though I know there is still plenty of room to get bigger).
Clothing? All I can say is……Stretchy pants!! I live in them.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Sleep is good. I am starting to figure out the comfortable positions to aid in me sleeping better.
Movement? I am feeling movement now. The pokes, flicks, and kicks are subtle, but they are there. I can’t wait to feel the first big punch. Bring it on princess.
Cravings? Grapes, English muffins, and cupcakes!! I also like putting cream cheese on everything.
Gender? Okay, so I am pretty sure everyone knows we are having a GIRL. I am going to post her anatomy pictures after this post.
What I miss? I am now starting to miss my pre-pregnancy body. I never realized just how un-sexy pregnancy can be. My stomach is hairy, my veins are protruding, and I have gas beyond belief. But I am going to try my best to embrace all the unappealing parts to pregnancy and enjoy the fact that I have this amazing little peanut growing inside.
Upcoming Events? My anatomy scan is Tuesday, October 4th. Very excited about that. I am excited to spend time with my mom this week and talk baby talk. NY next week. YAY!
Best moment of the week? Spending time with my mom, sister and friends in Seattle. My mom and I had a blast on out road trip from Seattle to San Diego.
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