How far along? 38 weeks! Baby Rivera is 20 inches, give or take an inch or so, and close to 7 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss? 24 pounds!
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? Feeling tired and low on energy. I am up bright and early every morning, anxious to get my day going, but I always hit a wall around 4pm and have no desire to do anything. I continue to contract, but nothing is happening from them yet.
Clothing? I have been able to utilize a lot of my sundresses over stretchy pants lately because the weather has been so nice. I just can’t wait to shop once this baby comes out. I am getting annoyed with having to dress this belly everyday.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Sleep has been okay lately. I wake up once or twice to use the little ladies room, but I am able to fall back asleep quickly. I do wake up at 7am every single morning. I no longer have the ability to sleep in.
Movement? I have a racehorse growing inside of me.
Cravings? I still love chewing ice. It is amazing.
Gender? All princess! I can’t wait to meet her. I think she is going to look like daddy!
What I miss? Not feeling fatigued and worn out. I may never have tons of energy again (because I will be chasing after a baby), but I just want to feel like I can walk up the stairs without feeling short of breath.
Upcoming Events? I continue to have my weekly non-stress tests and OB appointments. Maybe she will show up this week!!
Best moment of the week? It was a great week. I celebrated my 30th birthday with my closest friends and family. It can only get better from here.
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