How far along? 39 weeks! Baby Rivera is 20 inches, give or take an inch or so, and probably a little over 7 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss? 23 pounds! I lost a pound this week, which is common late in pregnancy.
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? I am so ready for this little girl to be out! I am tired, nauseous, and the heartburn is driving me crazy! I am having a lot of contractions, but unfortunately they are doing nothing. I have been 0.5 cm dilated for a month now. I feel like I have tried everything to get this labor going, but my efforts have failed. So sad. She will be here soon though!
Clothing? I have still been able to utilize some of my sundresses this week. They are so comfortable. I am so happy that I did not have to buy a single pair of full panel maternity pants my whole pregnancy. In actuality, I bought very few maternity items. Yay me. Oh how excited I am to get back into my old clothes.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? My sleep schedule is routine now. I fall asleep usually by 10pm and am up every morning no later then 0730am. I wake up 2-3 times to use the little girl’s room, and sometimes an additional time due to uncomfortable contractions.
Movement? I still love every one of her movements. She is such an active little girl.
Cravings? ICE. ICE. and more ICE. Crushed ice is my favorite thing ever!
Gender? GIRL!
What I miss? The ability to breathe deeply. It is so difficult to catch my breath with this big belly hogging up all of the room where my other internal organs used to reside.
Upcoming Events? My Daughters big debut!!! I am scheduled for a Cesarean Section on Thursday if she doesn’t come before that! I can’t wait!
Best moment of the week? Spending one on one time with John, and enjoying our last few days as a twosome.
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