How far along? 13 Weeks! Baby Rivera is the size of a peach, about 3 inches long.
Total weight gain/loss? Yeah, still no weight gain, but man I swear I look bigger (in the boobs and belly).
Feeling Sick? I would have said No if I posted this before I had my first puke attack this morning. Man, that came out of nowhere. I was talking to my mom and feeling fine, then suddenly it hit me that I needed to throw up. What a strange sensation. I am hoping I don’t end up with second trimester morning sickness. I would be bummed. The heartburn is pretty regular now and I can’t figure out what foods are causing it.
Clothing? Still wearing my same ol’ clothes.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Okay. Sleeping at night really well, but some days I toss and turn. Maybe it is the heat?
Movement? Nope.
Cravings? Hmmm? Frozen yogurt cones! Peaches, fresh bread, vegetables. Enjoying everything at the farmers market I find every week.
Gender? Boy? Girl? Who knows? John and I are going to perform ultrasounds on a weekly basis from now on until we see private parts.
What I miss? I miss feeling like I belong. I am starting to feel that sense of awkwardness being the pregnant girl out dancing with all my single girlfriends. I am not sure if booty popping suits me anymore. Bummer. But I swear I am going to try and own this pregnancy and work it even when I am huge.
Upcoming Events? My second prenatal appt. is tomorrow.
Best moment of the week? Spending alone time with my baby’s daddy, and finally being able to openly discuss my pregnancy with all of my friends and family. I also had a hair appt. which was long overdue. My hairdresser did good!! It is all starting to feel real.
Congratulations to you both! One of these days we will meet your man. Probably on October when your mom comes down. Anyway, my little Hil is gonna be a mommy! Yay! I will keep up to date via your blog, and look forward to more good news from the Bubs family!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy and excited for you! I see you guys with a girl for sure!