How far along? 14 Weeks! Baby Rivera is the size of a clenched fist.
Total weight gain/loss? I still have not gained any weight.
Feeling Sick? Why yes I am. Very fatigued, nauseous, and today I experienced another sudden puking session. I hope I feel better soon. The second trimester is supposed to be better.
Clothing? I am still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes, but I am thinking I am going to need to invest in some bigger items soon. I was going to try the rubber band trick this weekend, but could not find a rubber band to save my life, so another sundress it is.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? The fact that I am so tired had aided in me sleeping pretty well.
Movement? Nope. Sometimes and I think I mistake gas for movementJ
Cravings? I have still have yet to experience any intense cravings, but I am enjoying salads, soups, tacos, and cupcakes.
Gender? Well, we have a bit of a better idea of what we are having after the ultrasound this past week, but I am not going to announce anything until we get a better picture.
What I miss? I miss having more energy. I feel so sluggish and some days have no desire to get out of bed. I am hopeful this will pass soon.
Upcoming Events? Grandma Rivera is coming into town next week.
Best moment of the week? The ultrasound John did on Friday was fun. We got some great pictures of the baby and I am convinced I have a future dancer growing inside of me.
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