How far along? 12 Weeks!!! Baby Rivera is the size of a large plum, about 2 ½ inches.
Total weight gain/loss? I lost the 1 pound that I gained, so I am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight. But I am excited to start gaining in my second trimester and finally look pregnant.
Feeling Sick? Nope. I feel pretty good. I am now starting to get heartburn, but it is not bad. My mom had heartburn from 4 months on, so I guess I take after her.
Clothing? I still refuse to put on a pair of jeansJ I have yet to buy a bellyband or any maternity attire. I am still comfy in the majority of my clothes.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Some nights/days I sleep well and others I don’t. I did buy myself a body pillow this week to see if that aids in me sleeping better.
Movement? Not yet, but a lot of movement in the ultrasound again this week. Baby Rivera is already sucking his/her thumb (the left thumb, so the doctor thinks he/she will be left handed and smart).
Cravings? No new cravings. Still love Fruits, Salads, Bread, and sweets that contain fruit in them.
Gender? I am still convinced it is a boy. John, and several of my family and friends, thinks it is a girl. John even purchased a gorgeous sequin pink purse for me to show how much he thinks it is a girl (they had the bag in blue too, but he is convinced).
What I miss? Not much actually! Oh wait, I do miss over easy eggs and bleu cheese. Hehe. I love being pregnant, so there isn’t much to miss.
Upcoming Events? I have a few doctors’ appointments this month and a prenatal massage.
Best moment of the week? The nuchal translucency screening. Hearing that the baby was healthy and thriving was the best news I could have received. Also just seeing how big he/she has gotten was incredible. I feel so lucky.
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