How far along? 37 weeks! Full-term! Baby Rivera is pretty much done growing length wise (she is probably still around 20 inches), and somewhere between 6-7 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss? 22 pounds!
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? It was unusually hot in San Diego today, so today kind of sucked (this was one reason I avoided being 9 months pregnant in the summer time, but obviously I could not avoid that, as it is 80 degrees here in January.) I am definitely contracting, some are painful and some are not, but I am definitely tracking them and looking for regularity, but nothing that stands out yet.
Clothing? I am running out of things to wear! Especially in this warm weather we are having. All of my cute sundresses I was able to wear in the summer are now to short in the front (due to my big belly). Bummer. I am pretty sure I can manage through the next couple of weeks though. I am anxiously awaiting the day I get my body back and can buy a whole new post-baby wardrobe.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? As long as I don’t have horrendous heartburn, I am sleeping decently through the night. I have noticed that I am now waking up every morning at 7am. Not my ideal time to wakeup, but I guess it is my body’s way of teaching me that sleeping in will be a thing of the past.
Movement? Lots!!!
Cravings? I am obsessed with chewing ice. It is very strange, but crushed ice is my new best friend.
Gender? I am getting more and more excited to meet Princess Rivera. This week I painted my toenails hot pink and put hot pink streaks in my hair in her honor.
What I miss? Not having a baby in my ribs. She must love short ribs because she is constantly in mine. She definitely makes it hard for her mommy to breathe sometimes.
Upcoming Events? So.many.appointments. I am trying to squeeze everything in before this baby gets here, so I feel like I have a different appointment everyday.
Best moment of the week? I had my first NST on Monday and was able to hear 40 minutes of her little heart beating. She sounds amazing. I also had a really nice dinner and dessert party with my girlfriends. It was a great week!