How far along? 35 weeks! Baby Rivera is roughly 20 inches from head to toe, and somewhere between 5.5 and 6 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss? 21 pounds!
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? I had last week off so I actually felt good most of the week. The last few nights I experienced a few painful contractions (ones that felt very different compared to my usual Braxton Hicks). They were painful enough that they woke me up out of my sleep, and John woke up as well due to my heavy breathing. Some water and a gentle back massage seemed to fix the issue.
Clothing? I am still extremely excited that I have not had to wear full panel maternity pants, actually, I haven’t had to wear many maternity items at all. I continue to love my stretchy pants and camisoles, and when I am home, I prefer to run around in the least amount of clothing as possible and snuggle up in my robe.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? I am convinced that I will never sleep well again. Luckily, I function pretty well on very little sleep. I have one more week of work left and not much to do except prep for this baby to arrive, so hopefully I can get back on a normal schedule and get a good nights rest before she arrives.
Movement? This little girl is preparing for Juilliard’s dance program right now! She is such a wiggler. She is perfecting her jazz hands.
Cravings? No cravings. I still have a strong desire for sweets. I eat them daily.
Gender? I had a formal growth ultrasound this past week, and once again, she showed her lady parts to Grammy, Daddy, and I.
What I miss? I am starting to really miss my pre-pregnancy body. I just feel bloated and swollen, and even though I love my stretchy pant and camisoles, they don’t do much in the sex appeal department.
Upcoming Events? It is my last week of work! YAY! I am going to start my weekly OB appointments, as well as, my weekly non-stress tests.
Best moment of the week? My Baby Shower! It turned out beautifully. I have such a great mommy and a great group of friends. Their hard work made the event truly amazing. I will post a blog update all about the special day.
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