How far along? 36 weeks! Baby Rivera is roughly 20 inches from head to toe, and about 6 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss? 21 pounds!
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? I am feeling great now that I am on maternity leave. I have had more time to relax. I continue to contract daily; some are feeling more painful then others. The doctor told me on Thursday that I am 0.5 cm, 50 percent effaced and that she is really low. I could stay this way for the next few weeks or this could be the start to something. Bring it on!
Clothing? Well at least I don’t have to wear my scrubs anymore. I wouldn’t have lasted another week wearing them. I continue to strut around in my camisoles and stretchy pants, not sexy at all, but comfortable. My mom and I went shopping for hospital attire today and also looked at some cute things to wear once I get my pre-pregnancy body back. I can’t wait.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? HAHAHA. I dream about sleeping through the night.
Movement? Wiggle worm! I still love her movements, except for the kicks to my bladder. Those don’t feel so good.
Cravings? I love lemon treats. Lemon bars, lemon cake, lemoncello crème torte from Cheesecake factory. YUM!
Gender? I can’t stop saying “my daughter.” It’s so strange to think I will have a daughter in just a few short weeks.
What I miss? I saw the cutest sequin shorts today at Forever 21 and wanted to try them on, and then I remembered that I have a BIG belly. Not so hot. I miss my little belly and can’t wait to get back in to my little clothes (of course mom appropriate now).
Upcoming Events? I start my weekly non-stress tests this week, as well as, my weekly OB appointments. I also have my third baby shower on Friday.
Best moment of the week? This week has been a bit overwhelming, but I would have to say that hearing my little girl’s heartbeat made all of my other feelings seem minuscule.
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