How far along? 34 weeks! Baby Rivera is 19 inches from head to toe, and close to 5 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss? Still around 20 pounds!!
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? I am getting really tired and not sleeping well, but otherwise I feel pretty good. I am still contracting pretty regularly, but at this point I am not too concerned. At this point, very little intervention would be performed if she was born early.
Clothing? Stretchy pants and camisoles! My sense of style has been limited during this pregnancy, but who cares, I am all about comfort at this point. Thank goodness I only have a few shifts left at work because I definitely running out of scrubs that fit.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? Horrible. I sleep a few hours here and a few hours there, I just sleep whenever I have a free chance. I am hoping when I stop working I can get back into a good sleep routine (at least until the baby gets here).
Movement? All. The. Time. This girl gets the hiccups constantly too. I love every kick, punch, and roll I feel.
Cravings? Not really craving much. I had a friend at work tell me that sprite helped her with her constant heartburn, so I have been drinking that more frequently.
Gender? I am so excited to be having a baby girl! I think about her constantly. I can’t wait to meet her.
What I miss? I miss sleeping!
Upcoming Events? The big baby shower is next weekend. I am really excited to celebrate this little girls upcoming arrival. My mom will also be back in town for an extended stay.
Best moment of the week? My 34 week OB appt. was great. The baby sounds great and I am measuring right on track.
Love your top!