How far along? 33 weeks! Baby Rivera is 19 inches from head to toe, and over 4 pounds in weight (She is actually measuring around 4 lbs. 12 ounces according to the ultrasound this week).
Total weight gain/loss? About 20 pounds!!
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? I am feeling tired more than anything. I could sleep all day long if I could. The contractions are still coming frequently, but I was reassured again this week that they aren’t doing anything. My cervix is still long and closed! Good.
Clothing? I love my Ugg boots that John bought me for Christmas. My shoes are getting snug and they fit me perfectly. Plus they keep my feet extremely warm. I am still very comfortable in my elastic waist pants and have not had to move on to full panel pants yet. Yay. I went out on Friday to shop for a few dresses for my upcoming showers and was shocked to find out that out of 6 dresses I tried on (all from forever 21, size small), 5 fit me perfectly. I just couldn’t pick which few I liked best so I bought 4 of them. I definitely have options for my baby showers.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? I am sleeping well at night, except for when John is working. I seem to be more restless when I am trying to sleep in bed alone at night. What can I say, his snoring is soothing to me. I still am not sleeping great during the day, but I only have a few more weeks left of work and then I can get on a better schedule.
Movement? She is kicking me right now, and I am still giddy inside every time I feel her kick. It is such a great feeling.
Cravings? No new cravings. I am still enjoying all of the same things I have been for a while.
Gender? I am happy to say that she flashed us again on this weeks ultrasound.
What I miss? Not missing much this week. The year ended very well and I feel very loved. I am getting quite used to all of the annoyances in pregnancy so I am not going to complain about those things anymore because I am sure I will never feel “normal” again.
Upcoming Events? January is going to be crazy in the Elkins-Rivera house. I have another OB appt. on Friday, followed by the first of four baby showers. My mom is leaving next weekend to come down for an extended stay to help John and I prep for the baby.
Best moment of the week? The Holidays were fantastic. We had a great Christmas and New Years. Actually one of the nicest things this week was having several family members and friends rub my belly and tell me how beautiful I look. You don’t always feel pretty when you are 8 months pregnant, but it sure does feel nice to have people tell you that you do.
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