How far along? 32 weeks! Baby Rivera is 18 inches from head to toe, and a little over 3 1/2 pounds in weight.
Total weight gain/loss? Still around 18 pounds.
Feeling Sick/Signs of Labor? Seems like everyone around me has a cold, and I feel like I might be getting one too. I still feel functional, but very fatigued. My contractions are still coming daily, but they irregular and feel no different then they have been feeling over the past several weeks.
Clothing? Everything is getting a little more snug, but I am making it work. I really don’t want to buy more maternity clothes. I just noticed this week that my shoes are getting snug as well. I have heard that some women’s feet grow during pregnancy, but I am not sure if that is what is happening to me. I am more convinced I am just swollen, and hopefully that will go away after I have her.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep? I wish I could say that all of a sudden I am sleeping great, but that would be a lie. Sleep is still not good. I have good nights and bad nights. I am hoping in a few weeks when I go on maternity leave I can get my body back into a normal routine; sleeping at night and being awake during the day.
Movement? She is meeting her kick counts everyday!
Cravings? I decided I wanted to try baking for Christmas, so I whipped up some banana bread and some Chai spice bread. I am pretty obsessed with both of them! They came out great.
Gender? I am getting more anxious to meet this little girl.
What I miss? I miss eating large portions of food. Actually I should say I miss eating regular size portions of food. With my growing uterus comes a smaller stomach that can only hold probably less then a fist size portion of food. This really sucks during the holidays when I want to devour everything in site, but I can’t. The minute I eat a little too much, I feel like vomiting for the next several hours. Boo!
Upcoming Events? I wish I could say John and I have big New Years plans, but unfortunately we will both be celebrating the New Year at work. This week will probably be pretty uneventful.
Best moment of the week? Painting the baby’s room and finally getting some of the furniture in it. Next project……the crib.